
  • Group Meditation during Wesak

    As spiritual seekers, we must acknowledge and honor the significant events that inspire our journey towards enlightenment. Wesak, also known…

  • Unbreakable Bonds

    In today’s fast-paced, digitally-driven society, it can be challenging to forge and maintain meaningful connections with others. The art of…

  • Being Grounded Yet Spiritual

    Did you know that each of the chakras in our body serves a specific purpose, from physical to spiritual? And…

  • Dealing with Repeated Patterns

    Have you ever wondered why certain patterns in your life keep getting repeated? – from dating the same kind of…

  • Beyond Spirituality

    Spirituality doesn’t mean someone meditates all day long, oblivious to everything else. With spiritual development comes growth in all aspects…

  • Failed Relationship?

    There are tender places in the heart & questions that have compiled over our many years of love and relatedness.…

  • A Being of Divine Love

    In its truest form, Divine Love is unconditional love. It is something which is read, and talked about a lot,…

  • True Love Has No Limits

    Do you know the story of Sam McBratney’s “Guess how much I love you”? It is one of my favorite…

  • The Soul is Immortal

    On the 4th of October 2014 I was informed that my ailing mother’s soul had left her physical body at…

  • What’s Love Got to Do?

    Recently, I was driving home from the downtown area and a huge storm began. The downpour of rain appeared like…

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